Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe's Daughter Weds

Zimbabweans celebrated the union of Bona Mugabe, the daughter of the President  of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe and pilot Simba Chikore in a very glamorous wedding that cost a whopping $5,027,400. 

Customary procedures for the marriage were concluded last August when Simba Chikore paid a bride price of US$35,191 plus 15 cows to president Mugabe for the hand of his 24-year-old daughter Bona.

The catholic service and reception which was attended by African heads of State, Foreign dignitaries and billionaires like South African president Jacob Zuma, his Zambian counterpart Michael Sata, DRC’s Joseph Kabila, and Teodore Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of the Equatorial and socialites was held at the First Family's plush private residence in Harare, a suburb of Borrowdale.

The road linking to the residence was beautifully tarred brewing a lot of outbursts from the Zimbabweans as to why other necessary infrastructural projects in Harare have been ignored.

It has emerged that the Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe gave his newly wed daughter and her husband $100,000 (Sh8.6 million) and 55 head of cattle as presents.

More pics..........

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