Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dad rapes daughter again to attain success

A man was arrested and charged with raping his own teen-aged daughter, according to a media report in Nigeria.

Lagos Police said that when they arrested the man,  he told them that he raped his daughter because he wanted to be successful.

Police identified the suspect to be about 42-year-old. He was remanded into the Ikoyi prison after being charged with raping his 15-year-old daughter.

According to the initial police investigation, the rape occurred 2:30pm, at a residence, where the girl lived with her mother.

The defendant told investigators that he heard a voice instructing him to have sex with his daughter if he wanted to succeed in life. Police said that this was not the first time that the suspect had abused his daughter.

The man had first raped his daughter when she was just 6 years old. His wife caught him, but she did not call police after he promised never to do it again.

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