Monday, March 10, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Aviation Chief Describes Fake Passport Holders as Mario Balotelli Look-alike!

So sad.

By now, you all should have heard of the Malaysian Airline flight that vanished into the thin air without a trace last Saturday. Investigations have revealed that two of the passengers on the flight had fake passports and they've been focusing on the identities of these two passengers who were carrying the stolen passports. The two men had initially been described as Asians.

On Sunday, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi criticized border agents for letting the two passengers pass through. “I am still perturbed. Can’t these immigration officials think? Italian and Austrian but with Asian faces,” he said on Sunday.

But Malaysia’s civil aviation chief Azharuddin Abdul now says the men were not Asian.

“It is confirmed now that they are not Asian looking men,” Abdul said. When asked by a reporter to describe how they looked, Abdul said “Do you know a footballer by the name of Mario Balotelli,” describing the black Italian soccer star who plays for AC Milan.

“I can confirm that he is not a Malaysian, but cannot divulge which country he is from yet,” Abdul said to reporters.

The search for the missing airliner has now widened to include Vietnam and reports of debris spotted south of Hong Kong. It will be Tuesday before any information is known. Officials are not ruling out the possibility of a hijacking.


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