Saturday, March 8, 2014

Human Rights Activist Boniface Mwangi Arrested

Human rights activist and photo journalist Boniface Mwangi was this afternoon arrested at the Wilson Airport on allegations of causing a disturbance after his friend who he identified as Brian Ng'ang'a had his licence confiscated by a traffic police officer.

On his Twitter handle, Boniface Mwangi said he questioned the police officers' reason for confiscating his friend's driver's licence on allegations of obstruction yet he had done nothing wrong.

Mwangi says the police officers chocked him to prevent him from asking any more questions after which he was chained to a metal box at the airport.

His friend Ng'ang'a was also allegedly arrested and chained next to Mwangi. The two are now at Wilson airport waiting for the police to formally confer charges against them.

Mwangi posted two photos on his twitter handle, one of the scar on his neck and the other of and with his friend in custody.

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