Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Barack Obama Picks Out Sweaters for His Girls at the Gap

POTUS was spotted doing a little shopping for his lady loves at a GAP store in New York. I would have thought his days of hitting the malls were over when he was elected the leader of the free world, but it shows just how down-to-earth this man can be.

People Magazine reports that while in Manhattan for some Democratic party fundraisers, the president stopped at one of the GAP chain’s Midtown stores Tuesday to pick up a few souvenirs for the ladies back home.

Sales associate Susan Panariello suggested a hoodie for Michelle, but was told the First Lady is not a hoodie type. How about V-neck sweaters for Sasha and Malia? “I’m worried the V-neck is going to slip,” he said in protective dad mode. In the end, Obama ended up with a blue workout jacket for the First Lady and two modestly crew-necked sweaters (one gray-and-white, one coral) for his daughters.

“I think the ladies will be impressed by my style sense,” he said as he approached the registers.
And, yes, he was asked to apply for a Gap credit card so he could save 15 percent on his purchase. He demurred.

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