Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nigerian Singer Dencia Critized for Promoting Skin-bleaching Cream

 Nigerian-Cameroonian pop star Dencia has been catching a lot of fire for endorsing a "skin-bleaching" product whitenicous. On her website she promotes it as a cream that clears dark spots, acne, hyper pigmentation, dark knuckles and knees (all of which can leave your skin looking uneven).

Now caption this.....The Whitenicious line has no harsh bleaching chemicals  known to be harmful to the skin. Ingredients like vitamin C & E help to naturally heal and clear the skin....BUT checkout pics from those who've been using the product below, they tell a totally different tale from what’s been posted on the Whitenicious website!

What’s the most unfortunate/humorous part about this whole thing? Whitenicious is already sold out. 

The other reason why the pop singer is catching fade is because, sadly, it seems as if Dencia herself has been overloading on the product (or ones similar,) as she, a woman who was once of a magnificent brown hue, has bleached all evidence of melanin into oblivion, and now is as pale as one who would need a tan to look normal again. Below is a before and after pic of Dencia herself. You be the judge.

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 77-percent of Nigerian women, the highest percentage in the world, use skin-lightening products regularly. While some lighten their skin to adhere to a Western standard of beauty, many women bleach their skin because it affords them better marriage prospects and a greater chance at social mobility.

Skin-bleaching has terrible consequences. Skin burns, rashes, and permanent abrasions are common. Moreover many creams contain toxic levels of mercury, and some include agents that may cause leukemia, and cancer of the liver and kidneys. Despite this, skin-bleaching has become a multi billion-dollar business around the world. Although the practice is rampant in Africa, the industry’s popularity extends far beyond the continent.

There, you have it!
“Whitenicious by Dencia” for dark spots which clears dark spots caused by anything from acne, wounds, hyper-pigmentation bruises etc… on any part of the body. It works on all skin types including sensitive skin and “Whitenicious by Dencia” for dark knuckles, knees and elbows. A lot of people suffer from hyper-pigmentation on these areas and this product clears up the pigmentation to match the rest of your skin. It can be used on all skin types and everyone from white to black.  - See more at: http://madamenoire.com/341444/bleaching-2014-african-singer-dencia-blasted-pushing-skin-lightening-cream/#sthash.z6KjrcRm.dpuf
“Whitenicious by Dencia” for dark spots which clears dark spots caused by anything from acne, wounds, hyper-pigmentation bruises etc… on any part of the body. It works on all skin types including sensitive skin and “Whitenicious by Dencia” for dark knuckles, knees and elbows. A lot of people suffer from hyper-pigmentation on these areas and this product clears up the pigmentation to match the rest of your skin. It can be used on all skin types and everyone from white to black.  - See more at: http://madamenoire.com/341444/bleaching-2014-african-singer-dencia-blasted-pushing-skin-lightening-cream/#sthash.z6KjrcRm.dpuf

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