Thursday, March 20, 2014

Naomi Campbell for April Issue of Shape Magazine

Pick up your dropped jaws and stop drooling! 

Yes, Naomi Campbell is flaunting her flawless figure on the cover of Shape Magazine. And the supermodel is 43 years old!

Showing off her age-defying figure in a sexy black Moschino swimsuit for the April issue, this is the first time that Naomi has worked with the health and fitness focused magazine.

“I’ve been on almost every magazine in existence, but this is my first time posing for Shape, and I’m thrilled. Of course,” she told the glossy. “I wish I had done it when I was younger, but it’s an honor to be here at any age.”

But let’s be honest, Naomi looks like she did when she first started modeling nearly 30 years ago.

She opens up in the magazine about battling discrimination in the industry, saying that the color of her skin has been a challenge her entire career. “But I learned if you don’t accept no for an answer, you often get a yes.”

Her achievement, of course, partially stems from her fit physique, which she owes to her clean eating and devout exercise routine.

While juicing is certainly a part of her diet, she does not deprive herself. “I don’t believe in starving myself. I’ve never done it, and I never will,” she says. “I’m even more active when I’m juicing, doing both yoga and Pilates every day.” Otherwise, her eating plan is as clean as it gets, kicking off with hot water and lemon plus an intense yoga session while including vegetable juices, herbal tea, and salads with fish or steak.

Take note ladies....and some gentlemen :-)

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