Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cynthia Bailey pens an open letter:The Reality of a Friendship (with Nene Leakes) Gone Awry

The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Cynthia Bailey has just had enough of her best friend nemesis Nene Leakes to the point she felt the need to pen an open letter in response to all the shenanigans.

Right after part 2 of the reunion show, Nene hit her instagram blasting Cynthia and confirming the end of their friendship. If you missed it, you can read it here. Cynthia approached S2S as a platform to address the friendship gone awry.

Read her open letter below...it's pretty long, but a way more classy approach.

Since the airing of the Watch What Happens Live episode featuring my fellow Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Nene Leakes that essentially gave her a platform to show how vindictive and vicious she can really be, I have been bombarded with questions and requests for interviews about my views on what really transpired between Nene and I, and why our friendship ended.

I also have received hundreds of encouraging phone calls, emails, text messages and tweets from fans, friends, family and even high-powered entertainment industry leaders, who find it hard to believe that a friendship, which was mutually supportive could lead to such nastiness from Nene. So I think it is important for me to share my thoughts honestly and completely unfiltered.

First and foremost, the friendship you saw on camera between the two of us was genuine. We were very supportive of each other and talked every day. We even vacationed together outside of the show. In fact, when I joined the cast four seasons ago, I gravitated most towards Nene. She was a reality TV veteran of sorts who took me under her wing and helped me navigate this new territory. I genuinely liked Nene because she was funny, smart, shared a similar work ethic to mine and we both knew we wanted to make the absolute most out of the opportunity we had both received by being on the show. Being a member of the highest rated show in the Housewives franchise opens doors and leads to opportunities that some of us could never have dreamed of.

Now, for most of my adult life I have traveled the globe as a working fashion model, mingling with the rich and famous, and wearing the coveted designs of many of the world’s most admired fashion houses. Yet, becoming a member of a weekly show formally introduced me to millions of people all over the world and brought about entirely new experiences. I fully embraced the opportunity, brought my family along for the ride and opened up my life for all to critique and judge. It’s been difficult at times, but thrilling and equally fulfilling as well.

However, the most challenging part for me has not been disagreeing with my husband on camera or finding out my family essentially considered sabotaging my impending wedding in my first season on the show or even the unfortunate argument with fellow cast member Kandi Burruss during the Pillow Talk party this season. In all honesty, it’s been watching someone who I thought was a friend first attack my husband and then attack me by suggesting I be fired from the show.

Fans have asked why I didn’t return fire when Nene lashed out at Peter while in Mexico. Others have suggested that I am weak because of the way I choose to handle situations. Don’t let the pretty face fool you. I just choose my battles wisely, and prefer to get to a solution in a more appropriate and classy way. Frankly put, it’s just not who I am and I don’t respond that quickly in those types of extremely uncomfortable and volatile situations. In fact, I was completely stunned, and more than anything, I didn’t know how to respond in that moment.

First of all, I was shocked that Peter and Gregg were even having an argument at all. They were always so engaging and had a special level of respect for one another. Peter was a groomsman in Gregg’s and Nene’s wedding. So to see the two of them going at it was incredibly hard for me to comprehend. When Nene became involved, I assumed she would attempt to calm the situation and shut it down. She shut it down alright, by essentially verbally attacking Peter, who like me, had done nothing but support Nene and Gregg in good and bad times. Nene and I had spent that entire day together on and off camera, and the issue of her and Peter’s exchange at Kenya’s charity event never came up.

The “bitch” incident was very disrespectful and a low point in our relationship. But as mature adults who genuinely cared about each other, we worked through the mess, and decided our friendship could survive. Don’t get me wrong; it was very difficult to forgive Nene for her harsh insult towards my husband because I would never refer to a friend’s husband in such a derogatory way. But we moved on.
We were all in a good place, or so I thought, until Nene felt that I was becoming too close to Kenya, “the enemy” as Nene referred to her on Watch What Happens Live. There is this ridiculous notion; of course being perpetuated by Nene, that Kenya and I have somehow become BFFs. Nothing could be farther from the truth. However, I am as friendly with Kenya as I am with Kandi Burruss, Phaedra Parks and Porsha Williams. What I will not do is stop being friendly, cordial, respectful or accommodating to people just because my friend or anyone else thinks I should. I don’t do petty. It’s not in my DNA.

Because I allowed Kenya to host a model call at BarOne, genuinely felt sorry for her when she lost her dog, and was seated next to her at the reunion, I am now somehow her best girlfriend. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Viewers will remember during her first season on the show, Kenya caused all kinds of confusion at my Bailey School of Fashion during a model search.  On and off camera we had conversations about the incident and her unfortunate behavior. She apologized, we ironed things out, and moved on. Never have I gone on any talk shows or interviews and suggested that Kenya lose her job. And as far as I know never has she in regards to me. I think it’s unprofessional, divisive and petty.
But that’s exactly what Nene did when she appeared on Watch What Happens Live. I have seen the very best of Nene Leakes, and I witnessed the very worst of her during this appearance. What she did and said was not coming from a good place, and was downright dirty. The damage she thought she was doing to me, in turn has damaged her image more.

As I watched the show and listened to Nene say I wasn’t good for the show or that I bring nothing to the table, at one point I felt angry. She was being completely spiteful and malevolent. How could someone who I considered a really good friend attempt to essentially sabotage my job? I would never do anything that wasn’t in the best interest of her family. She’d rather see me off the show than to work with me and give me pure hell next season. Even Andy Cohen seemed shocked and surprised by what she was saying.
If I wasn’t relevant to the show, I wouldn’t be on the show. I absolutely believe I bring a certain amount of class and balance to the cast. There is not one single Housewife who is solely responsible for the success of the show. And the last time I checked, Nene is talent on the show just like me. She does not make hiring and firing decisions. Ultimately, that’s left up to Bravo executives.
As I continued to watch, I began to feel sad for her. There has to be some personal insecurities and unhappiness she is dealing with to lash out so viciously at me. Then it dawned on me. Nene is hurt that I have moved on.

In the end, I am relieved that our friendship is over.
Nene knows in her heart that I was a good and loyal friend to her. There were some greats moments between us, and no matter what she says or does related to me, I know that she knows our friendship was mutually genuine. Unlike most of our fellow cast members, I got the chance to see all sides of Nene, including the vulnerable Nene and the wounded Nene. I don’t like the controlling Nene and the insecure Nene.

I always thought if we ever stopped being friends that we would go our separate ways and wish each other well in our endeavors. I never expected that she would suggest taking food out of my mouth. But then again, Nene Leakes is no Cynthia Bailey.

Famed writer and poet Margaret Walker wrote, “Friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go.” Maybe Nene should embrace this and make it her personal mantra.

 With Nene and Cynthia's friendship having gone south, do you think their husbands, Greg and Peter will continue being friends?

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