Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Porsha Williams reveals to Access Hollywood that she was Abused by ex-husband Kordell Stewart

Yesterday, Porsha Stewart Williams stopped by Access Hollywood to promote her new single Flatline and did a candid interview with them. It's from the interview that she revealed that her now ex-husband Kordell Stewart physically abused her during their 2-year marriage.

She has also been shooting a video for the single and it's mainly based on the abuse she endured in the marriage and this was what she had to say about it;

The video “Flatline" does touch on domestic violence and some abuse I encountered in my marriage. It’s not exact to what I went through, because, honestly, what I went through was a little bit worse in some instances.

Peep the rest of the interview below....................

On what really happened in the marriage:

Abuse. Physical abuse.  Yeah. There were several different occasions that this happened. When you’re in an abusive situation, it kind of just builds, and it starts to get worse and worse. And people ask me, ‘why didn’t you tell anybody or call the police?’ or what have you. I just thought that I could make it better. I honestly thought after each situation that I would change this or I would change that, and therefore the outcome wouldn’t be the same. It doesn’t work like that.

I’m still realizing now that a lot of what happened, it wasn’t my fault.

Porsha also revealed that Kordell admitted to the abuse during the couple’s divorce deposition:

When we were going through the divorce process, we had to sit in deposition hearing, and he didn’t deny it. A lot of women who are in situations like I was in, I wanted to make it better. I was praying every day. I was cooking. I was smiling. The outside appearance was as if nothing was happening. Even though you’re being abused, you still love that person, you’re just trying to love them through it. And you’re trying to pray them through it and you’re not realizing that you can’t change a person, they have to changethemselves.

I never went to the hospital. I never reported anything. There were [visible injuries], but I’ll tell you the ones that have stuck with me the most is the mental abuse. I had so much pride in being a wife and being a mother and what that meant to me was big. So for me to be told I was lazy, and that I was stupid and that I wasn’t good enough and that nothing I could do was right, that was really, really hard for me…When someone is constantly ridiculing you, I’m always trying to live up to what that person thinks of me, it’s hard.

On whether Kordell Stewart is gay:

Well I call a lot of people queen. We take on the lingo of the queens and we say that now. It wasn’t me necessarily calling him gay. I haven’t spoken out on that and I won’t and to me that’s his life. If he says he isn’t, that is what he wants you all to believe. I’m concerned about Porsha and being better and growing from what I went through.
On how they connected as husband and wife:
We were a married couple so of course we had sex, if that’s what you are asking, but it did change. But when you are in a relationship and someone is being controlling and they are using that as power; they will use money, they will use sex, they will use anything to make you feel as though you aren’t worthy of better. And for me in the marriage, I thought I had no self-worth. It wasn’t until I got out of the marriage that I realized that I am very valuable, I bring a lot to the table, I’m smart, beautiful and I am a great wife and I’ll never accept that again. EVER.
There are always three sides to a story, his, hers and the truth. Kordell has since come forward and denied all these allegations. All we can do is wish them both well in their future endeavours.

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